Architectural Artist Alvaro Alvarez




Photography Portfolio

I love capturing moments with a camera that later serve as an inspiration for my art. I took these in various locations, including North America and Europe, from 2010-2023.


These photographs were taken during the Cornell in Rome semester program in Fall of 2014.

Rome, Italy

Summer 2013

Instructor: Liana Miuccio 

European Research & Abroad

The following photographs were taken during the summer of 2013 while traveling with Cornell University instructors (Werner Goehner and Edith Fikes) as well as 10 other undergraduate students. The focus of the Museum as Spectacle summer traveling studio was the study of museums and other exhibition spaces.

Other photographs in this gallery were taken at different times, and locations, for various purposes. 

Time of Stuttgart

The following photograph series was an analysis of time passage in the city of Stuttgart, Germany during a town festival. Photos taken every 25 minutes.

Stuttgart, Germany

Summer 2013

Landscapes of Basel

The following photographs were taken in Basel, Switzerland as an analysis of façade-landscapes with the sky as a background.

Basel, Switzerland

Summer 2013

Infrastructure of Cologne

The following photograph series was an analysis of train-station infrastructure in the city of Cologne, in Germany.

Cologne, Germany

Summer 2013




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