Mission & Vision
Mission & vision
my mision
Regardless of any language or physical abilities, art is truly a universal form of communication. My mission is to help further this human miracle of expression through art.
My first-year architecture professor, Yehre Suh, taught us that anyone can have an idea, but it takes rigor to execute it into a built reality. College taught me to understand the difference between “real” vs “ideal,” and it was during my first design job that I learned that only the best ideas endure the execution process to become a reality.
I’m now on a mission to create art that values the origins and growth of an idea, not just the end result. If done well, art can share with the viewer not just its final output, but its process of what it went through in order to become a reality.
my vision
I am optimistic about our future. We have more people on this earth who want to improve the planet and care for one another, than those who don’t. Change is not only inevitable, but natural; a tree doesn’t resist letting go of its leaves, it shakes them off so that new ones can grow. It took months of therapy and meditation for me to learn that change can be positive, and now it’s even a part of my artistry.
As toddlers, we color and paint frequently. Once we age, art-making is encouraged to cope with becoming elderly. Seems like we only skip artistic expression during adulthood, which is erroneous since it’s when we need the most help figuring out life. My vision includes us all using art’s many tools to express ourselves and communicate emotions – even if done in unconventional ways!